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Box of Sunshine 1 (June 2023)


We had a few extra boxes from our first month’s Box of Sunshine that we’re making available on a first come basis. Grab yours while they are still available.

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June’s Rain and sunshine brought a gorgeous crop of tulips this year.

Pictured is The Didier’s tulip: Tulipa gesneriana.

Didier’s tulip (Tulipa gesneriana) is an ornamental bulbous plant native to southwest Asia. Ottomans brought it to Europe in the 16th century, and it almost instantly became popular, especially amongst Dutchmen.
This is particularly stunning and is the source of inspiration for Alexandra’s first Box of Sunshine!

June’s Box Contains:

  • 2 Skeins of Black Butte yarn.
  • 65% Superwash Merino, 15% Yak, 20% Silk
  • 438 yds in 4oz
  • Each yarn is a different custom color for the month inspired by the image.
  • Lots of fun goodies that support the Tulip theme.
  • Pattern Inspiration – a link to Ravelry Bundle for fun patterns that would be beautiful in this yarn
Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 4 in

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Pamela B. (Texas)

So soft and the colorway is spot on beautiful! Can't wait to figure out what it wants to be!

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